CouchSurfing Story: Phuoc & Family in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Perhaps Ho Chi Minh City, formerly known as Saigon, wouldn't rank high on our list if it hadn’t been for CouchSurfing. The city is chaotic, noisy, and overwhelming. But staying with Phuoc and his family for four nights made our stay in HCMC memorable. We got along well and spent a lot of time together touring the city, eating local delights, playing card games, cooking together, practicing English, and even doing exercise videos! We wish we lived in the same city as Phuoc because we loved spending time with him.

cows in Goa, India

10 Things That Become Normal After Long-term Travel in Asia

Lately, when I walk around the streets of Asia (currently Thailand), I come across things that I first found strange and photo-worthy, but now it has become the norm. I often need to take a step back and realize that some things that are normal* in Asia are so foreign for westerners. Likewise, there are behaviors that westerners engage in that people in Asia would find insane. Here are some cultural differences that people who stay extensively in Asia would find normal after a while.

Here Comes the 신부: Attending my First Korean Wedding

As the years after college creep on, I’m seeing less photos involving red Solo cups and empty beer cans on a Wednesday evening. They have been replaced with staged engagement poses, overly priced rocks on fingers, and babies eating/sleeping/being cute/totally unaware of what is going on (okay, I do like to look at cute squishy … Continue reading Here Comes the 신부: Attending my First Korean Wedding